Servicing zip codes

Physician Assistants in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Ontario (i.e 97914). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Physician Assistants in Ontario, OR

  • Physician Assistants

    Benintendi Stringer Sage Mpas Pa-C from Ontario, OR. Company specialized in: Physician Assistants. Please call us for more information - (208) 452-6556

    840 SW 4th Avenue Ste 105 Ontario, OR
    (208) 452-6556
  • Physician Assistants

    Berria Matea Mspas Pa-C from Ontario, OR. Company specialized in: Physician Assistants. Please call us for more information - (541) 216-6556

    840 SW 4th Avenue Ste 105 Ontario, OR
    (541) 216-6556
  • Physician Assistants

    Berria Matthew Phd Pa-C from Ontario, OR. Company specialized in: Physician Assistants. Please call us for more information - (541) 216-6556

    840 SW 4th Avenue Ste 105 Ontario, OR
    (541) 216-6556
  • Physician Assistants

    James Mary Mpas Pa-C from Ontario, OR. Company specialized in: Physician Assistants. Please call us for more information - (541) 216-6556

    840 SW 4th Avenue Ste 105 Ontario, OR
    (541) 216-6556
  • Physician Assistants

    Meskill Kailey Mpas Pa-C from Ontario, OR. Company specialized in: Physician Assistants. Please call us for more information - (541) 216-6556

    840 SW 4th Avenue Ste 105 Ontario, OR
    (541) 216-6556
  • Counselors Pediatrics (Infant, Child & Adolescent Care) Nurses Practitioners Physician Assistants

    Snake River Pediatrics is a trusted healthcare provider specializing in the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. With a diverse team of highly trained and experienced healthcare professionals, including Matthew Berria, PhD, PA-C, Sage Benintendi Stringer, MPAS, PA…

    840 SW 4th Avenue Ste 105 Ontario, OR
    (208) 452-6556

Search results hints


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This list contains only Physician Assistants and related businesses. Each business has at least one contact information (phone, website or email).

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.